Babies: 0 - 3 Months


my husband's sister is getting married on saturday.  the ceremony is outside (it will be 40 degrees!) and the reception is in a redone barn about an hour away from my home.  i just had a baby one week ago today.  i'm bfing and would have to take baby to the car to feed her--she is eating every two hours.     

am i crazy for thinking it is best that i stay home?  my in-laws are expecting me...and by that i mean they would never let it go if i was not at the wedding.  i can't decide if it would be best to just suck it up for one day and go...or stay home and never hear the end of it.  i thought my hubby would have more fun if he took our 3yo and they had a date night, but i know he wants me there--which is making me feel really guilty.  on top of that, i have a lot of anxiety about other people holding her & the possibility of her getting sick. 

sos!  what would you do if you were in my shoes???? 

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