Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Our days keep starting earlier and earlier

In the first few weeks, DS would get up at 8-8:30. Since he hit around 6w, he seemed to be starting his day a little earlier and we had moved up to a 7-7:30am start time. He just couldn't sleep that last stretch of sleep after his second feeding.

This week, it has been getting progressively earlier. Yesterday was 6:30, today was 6.

He normally gets up twice for two feedings (when it's a good night). The first is anywhere between 1 and 3:30 and the second is always 3 to 3.5 hours after the first. Last night he was up at 1:30, up at 4:45 and then up again at 6. I unswaddled him, changed his diaper and we just relaxed in the glider together. I could tell he was still tired (as he always is when he decides to start his day) and he ended up falling asleep at around 7:15.

He goes down at around 8 at night and I think I will try putting him down at 7:30 tonight.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Any thoughts? I can tell he's still tired when he gets up but he just won't sleep. He may fall asleep but he'll last 15-30 minutes in his crib before waking again. This makes both of us very Sleep.

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