Upstate NY Babies

WWYD? (Old clothes)

I have been storing the girls old clothes in storage tubs.  I have a full tub of newborn clothes, most are very lightly used, that Audrey has outgrown.  I will have this same issue with 0-3 months stuff soon, too.  Since we aren't having any more kids, I'm wondering if I should sell them or keep them for friends.

One friend is having a girl in December and she got a TON of clothes at her shower over the weekend.  I know from experience that it really sucks to have so many clothes that the kid doesn't even get to wear them.  I wonder if I should at least offer them to her first before trying to sell them on Craigslist.  Or if I should save them as at least 2 other friends will probably be having babies within the next year or so.  It's hard b/c I don't have a ton of room to store them and I could possibly be storing them for nothing if they end up having boys.

If I decide to sell them, how much would you ask for a whole tub of clothes?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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