Upstate NY Babies

crazy couple of days..tmi

The sitter and all the kids at L's daycare have come down with some sort of stomach bug. I thought we had dodged the bullet, but on Saturday he exploded.  Pretty much all day.  :(  I felt so bad for him.  Then sunday I was really nauseas, but no one had puked from it.  It was all the other end.  Yesterday I got up and was getting ready for the day.  I had the day off from work and had some errands and dr appts to go to.  While I was brushing my teeth I gagged and threw up!  Sorry TMI.  Then from there I was sick for most of the day.  I called the dr. but they said to come in anyways to make sure the sickness wasn't because of the pregnancy.  While there I don't know what happened, but i started thinking about how sick I felt and what if I threw up in the waiting room, and all of the sudden I got this massive panic attack!  So they hooked me up did a non-stress test.  That came back normal, but they found I have a UTI, and iron in my urine.  :(  So NOW today I get to sit home and collect my pee for 24 hours!  How lucky am I?!?!  They don't think it's pre-e because my blood pressure is completely normal and has been through my whole pregnancy, but they want me to do the sample collecetion just in case.  Ofcourse as I was wrapping things up with the doctor she says, "Now I don't think it's pre-eclampsia, but if it is you might have a baby before thanksgiving!"  WHAT!?  Did she forget that I had a panic attack right in front of her less than 2 hours before!?!  haha!  :)  Poor DH didn't know what to do lastnight because I was on one end of the couch and L was on the other.  L would get sick, and then I would run to the bathroom.  It was wonderful!

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