
Trying for a VBAC after two c-sections, any others do this?

Hello all, I have never had a natural labour and am almost 38 weeks right now, I get strong BH everyday now and am very anxious/nervous about timing getting to the hospital in time! We are going to a hospital that is an hour away and live in a very rural area so if a winter storm comes we could be in for a very long drive! This is my third baby, I have had two c-sections before. I wonder if because I have had other pregnancies my labor will be shorter, or is it the birthing process that makes it faster the next times around? I feel so unprepared right now, not knowing what to expect! Worst part is my DH is out of town for work, I can make "the call" when it is time, but I so don't want to call him home to a false alarm! So I would apreciate any input from any of you ladies who have gone into labor naturally after a c-section. What was your experience?
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