Single Parents

Tell me about your morning routine?

It's my second week back at work and I'm still trying to get us into a morning routine. So far I get most our things ready at night (her clothes picked/diaper bag packed/my clothes picked and lunch packed.) I try to shower at night too but sometimes I'm too tired (& I much prefer morning showers anyway.) my mom handles drop offs since the sitter is on her way to work. So I'm never rushing around in the am.

 I guess my main concern is with DD. she doesn't sleep through the night yet so she still wakes up at unpredictable times in the morning. If she wakes for a bottle around 4ish, I feed her and put her to sleep & and then I'll go back to sleep or get myself dressed before she wakes up again. usually she'll wake up again around 7 and I feed her, get her dressed before I have to leave the house.

But a couple of mornings she wakes up at 5 something & doesn't look drowsy after the bottle so I take advantage & get her dressed then and then I get myself ready. Usually if she wakes up at 5 something she'll start to get sleepy before its time to leave the house and will fall back to sleep or fall asleep on the way to or as soon as she gets to the sitters. 

I guess I'm just afraid that I'm screwing up her sleeping habits by getting her dressed so early on those 5am wake up days. Should I try to get her to go back to sleep and then get her dressed at 7 (even if shes not awake)so things stay consistent? 

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