Single Parents

Getting really fed up

Lately, STBXH has been mentioning that if he wanted to he could file for spousal support because I was the bread winner of the house. I told him that he couldn't because he has a decent stable job that make above minimum wage (not sure if its true..... but it made him stop). He has also asked me not to file for child support because we are doing joint custody. I wasn't going to because I can afford DS on my own, but I'm thinking I'm going to anyway, especially because I financially supported his ungrateful a$$ for so long (2 years) while he went to school. I can always put the extra money in a savings account for DS. He went and got this job because we found out I was pregnant when I was unemployed.

I have not seen a lawyer yet but I am saving up my money so I can. I have a 30 minute free consult so I might use that to see if he can in fact file for spousal support and what my chances would be of getting child support. And what he thinks I should do in the mean time....

Just needed to vent.

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