Single Parents

Can I join? (Married, but maybe not for long...)

My name is Kate and I'm 24. I've been married for two years. For the past 8 months, things have not been great in my marriage. We fight constantly and cannot get along. We experienced a miscarriage in early April, and it has wrecked havoc on both of us. It came between us instead of bringing us closer together. We decided kids weren't right for us now and I planned on getting back on BC after my next cycle. One time of being intimate in 2 months and I discovered I was pg again in July. Now I'm 21 weeks and our marriage is worse than it was before.
We are talking about separation/divorce because he is so unhappy (I'm not happy now either). We don't want our child to be in the middle of fighting and neither one of us wants to be miserable. We don't want our marriage to end, but we are at a place where we don't know if it can be fixed.
He refuses to go to counseling with me, but I don't know what else I can try. We decided that we will try a trial separation for a while to see how it goes. It might make things better, but it might make things worse. We both don't want to hate each other and know that if it doesn't work out, we want to be civil afterwards and still be great parents to our son. I am at a loss - I don't know what I want anymore. I know I don't want to be miserable, but I can't picture life separate from him. We both want things resolved before March before the baby comes whether it means we are together or not.
I am so stressed, depressed, anxious, etc. because I don't know what my life will look like in 4 months when this baby gets here. I don't know if I will be married, I don't know where I will live if I am not, I don't know how it will be being a single parent if that's how it works out. I don't know how custody would work or anything like that... How do I do this financially? How do I do this emotionally? How do I handle this wile pregnant? I know that many of you are doing this and have experiences similar... Any advice on how to not lose it completely? I am trying not to stress out for the sake of my baby, etc. but it is so hard. I feel like all I do is cry and worry at this point. I do have my mom for support, but other than that I feel so alone. I guess I am looking for any words of advice, etc. If I need to reach out to another board, let me know... This was the one that made sense to me.
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