Single Parents

Stronger every day

I just wanted to say thank you. Having the support here where there are others in situations like mine has made my decision so much easier to stand behind.

I have friends who say that he may want to come back later because thats what their Hs did and they are happy now. I don't think he will nor do I think I would take him. I admit in the back of my mind there is that hope, and there probably always will be, but the reality is that I cannot trust him and therefore cannot be in a relationship with him.

It has been over 2 months since he moved out, and a month since he stated that he wants a divorce and you know what? I'm HAPPY! I'm not stressed out anymore, wondering if he is being faithful, wondering if he is telling me truth because in reality, it doesn't matter anymore. I am seeing my family and friends so much more now. My house is actually getting clean without him there to mess it all up. My finances feel safe because I don't have to worry about him spending money behind my back. I feel good that I will be able to provide for DS's future, go on vacations, etc. My goal is that when DS is 7-10 yrs old, I will take him to DisneyWorld.

I can do this. On another forum I am on we have a saying "I am a wench, I am strong, I can do this." That saying has helped me through many situations and I know it will help me through this one.

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