Babies: 0 - 3 Months

cross post--establishing bedtime

my little one is 3 weeks old.  he is sleeping in our room at night either in his carseat or swing or in bed with us.  During the day he naps in the living room in a moses basket, swing or in our arms.  He eats every three hours.  pretty much like clock work  3, 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9.

We don't really have bed time.  I am curious what others are doing or recommend.  I usually put him in a onesie around 7 (his pjs..he gets really warm).  Then we were doing  a feed at 12 and then all going to bed.  Last night I changed it to feed at 9, swaddle and rock and then all went to bed.  Gave me three extra good hours of sleep.

Since he is so small and eating/napping so frequently bedtime seems like an odd concept.  But maybe i am missing the chance to get a solid routine started now.  He has only just now started to like his bath.  So i may try that, but we are only bathing 2-3 times a week so that can't be an everyday routine.
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