Babies: 0 - 3 Months

New here and with a question

Hi, Just wanted to introduce myself. This is my second time on this board. DD is 2 years old and DS was just born on November 9th. I'll tell entire birth story a bit later when I am a bit more settled in. 

I also have a question. My milk came in fairly early and I have lots of it, the problem is that I have way more milk then DS needs, so my breasts are already engorged and my nipples are already bleeding. I spoke with lactation consultant and she helped a bit with DS's latch, which is a bit easier on my nipples, but they are still bleeding. Anyone has any suggestions what I can do to help with engorgement as well as with my nipples? I've tried soothies and they are no help. I get a bit of a relief from lanolin, but that still does not help with engorgement.


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