Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Help! Need to vent...feeling down today about fussy baby!

I'm a new mom and feel like I do not know anymore what my LO wants or what her ques are.  It seems like we get into a pattern where I know what she wants and then BAM, it has changed again.  Here is what is going on.  The evenings are when she is super fussy.  The nurse at the hospital where I delievered said it's the bewitching hours and can start from anywhere from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. or later.  Lucky for me, my LO is asleep by 10 or even earlier once I get her down.  She is super fussy at the breast at these times, pulling away and crying.  It almost seems like she isn't hungry but I know she is.  On top of being fussy she could also be cluster feeding.  For the past few nights, she has fallen asleep breastfeeding and when I put her down to bed she will sleep for the night till her next feeding.  I know she is using me for comfort so when I try to rock her with her pacifier, she crys and fusses so the only think that works is me.  Her naps are no more then 30 minutes during the day maybe if we are lucky they are longer so I know she could be super tired.  Does anyone else experience this?  I guess, I'm just having one of those days where I feel like I'm not doing anything right and I'm being down on myself.  Another thing, forget going anywhere.  We have to time it just right and if she gets mad while we are out, I can't comfort her until we get home.  I'm so scared one of those times I might be out and it's close to the eveing time when she needs to eat.  Is it going to be like it is at home?  That would be terrible!

Does anyone else experience this?  We also had a breath holding spell so when she crys I am scared to death she will do it again even though they are harmless.  It's almost like she throws little tantums and she's only 9 weeks old!!!  She got her shots last week and almost did it on the table but I picked her up before she could.

Sorry this is so long!  Thanks for letting me vent and any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!  :) 

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