Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Crib Transition

Last night we tried the crib for the 1st time and it DID NOT go well at all. My LO has been STTN since she was 3 weeks old in her RnP next to my bed. She naps during the day in her swing. Each nap or down for the night she puts herself to sleep. Well, from 8-2 last night she woke up 7 TIMES. After the 7th time at 2 AM I finally gave up and just put her in her RnP in my room. Currently I just put her down for her nap awake to see if she would put herself to sleep. I have the white noise machine on loud. 

Should I try daytime naps first or nighttime to transition?

Any helpful tips on transitioning? 

She hates being swaddled, but last night I did try that at one point and she just screamed. lol.  

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