Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Everythings changed!!

Breastfeeding started out wonderful from the start, no issues except an oversupply.  Just when my little one was getting to the point that he would do an 8 hour stretch at night and 4 hours during the day between feedings, all of a sudden he started refusing to breastfeed in the mornings by crying and arching his back and getting really mad.  It has been almost been 2 weeks and I'm soo frusterated!  I want soo badly to breastfeed but this constant struggle that is now happening at night time too is starting to just make me mad at him and soo frusterated and I'm wondering if it's even worth the emotional toll it is taking on me and the effect it's having on our relationship.  I have called lactation consultants, the Leleche league, the Pediatric nurse and even brought him in to see the Dr and no one has the right answers and nothing works!  Has this ever happend to anyone else? Do you think he's alraedy trying to wean? Why is it that sometimes he willl nurse just fine and other times he completely refuses?  And as far as sleep goes...that has changed too...he just got up after only 2 hours and that didn't even happen when he was a newborn!  What is going on? 


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