Single Parents

Intro and questions

Hi ladies. I guess I will be joining your ranks. Short story, my DH started saying he was unhappy while deployed. I said we can work on things when he got home with a therapists since we kept talking in circles. He would go back and forth between wanting to work on things to being angry and not wanting to. He also signed up for a dating site while deployed. Cue to him getting home and getting texts from another woman whom he was deployed with for 2 months. The kept in touch after she returned stateside. He's basically said he's wanted out of our marriage since he got home. He's always calling and texting this woman and has even went and spent a weekend with her. (although he says he hasn't cheated on me, sure) We went to 1 session with a therapist, but he didn't want to go and he's mad that I made him go. He's been mean and angry, not like the man I married. What really sets him off is if I bring up the other woman. Now, he says the kids are his number one priority, but since he's been home (less than a month) he's gone out of state for about 2 weeks.

 We live in NC and he's active duty military. I guess I was wondering if anyone else has gone through a military divorce? Also, any and all advice on child custody, child support, spousal support and anything you all can think of would be greatly appricated(sp). This is not how I thought my life would go, but you can't make someone stay if they don't want to. I'm just so overwhelmed with everything right now. Thank you in advance for any advice.

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