San Diego Babies

UCSD Birth Center vs Best Start

I'm currently about 6 months pregnant with my first child and I've been seeing the midwives at UCSD and planning a natural birth in their in-hospital birth center, but when I went on the tour of the birthing rooms I was a little disappointed with how much they felt like hospital rooms, only with nicer furniture.  I decided to go on a tour of Best Start to compare and I did like the non-hospital atmosphere, though there seem to be some mixed reviews of the midwives there.  Now I can't decide which one I would rather give birth in.  Aside from the hospital feel to the birth rooms, I've been happy with the midwives at UCSD, but I do worry that unnecessary interventions could happen more easily just because it is part of a hospital.  Does anyone have any recent experiences with either birth center?  Anything anyone can tell me about either one would be much appreciated. 

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