July 2012 Moms

Hello Everyone!

Hi! My name is Anni and I just found out that I am "officially" pregnant! After 1.5 years of trying and 1 failed IVF I became pregnant through a frozen embryo transfer. I just received my beta HCG results from my RE and was brought to tears when the nurse told me I was pregnant. My due date via google appears to be July 20th. Just wanted to pop in and say hello to all of you other July mommies! Best of luck with your pregnancies!
Me (26) Mild PCOS DH (26) Severe MFI 1.5 year TTC 9/11- IVF- BFN 11/2- Transfered 2 embryos 11/8- BFP on FRER 6dp5dt 11/11- First Beta 433 9dp5dt IAmPregnant Ticker
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