July 2012 Moms

New here

Hey everyone!

I'm new here and still trying to figure all this out! lol. Anyway, my husband and I found out we were pregnant on Nov. 5. I think I am still in shock even though I took 10 pregnancy tests! My husband is so excited and can't wait!

This would be my first pregnancy! I actually found out that we were pregnant 3 days before my 26th birthday! What a birthday gift! My husband is currently 24. 

 I had my first appointment on Tuesday (on my birthday!) where I had to go for bloodwork. I am still waiting for the result but hope to find out next week exactly how far along I am and when I can get my first ultrasound. I don't think it will feel real until then. LOL.

I haven't really had any symptoms yet, but according to my last monthly period I am about 5 weeks along and EDD is July 11, 2012. I can only hope that I don't get really bad morning sickness.

We are planning on keeping this a secret from our entire family until Christmas, which will be incredibly hard considering we are currently living with my parents. Our plan is to give everyone in our immediate family a christmas card from the baby during our traditional Christmas breakfast. Since I work at a Hallmark store I thought this would be perfect! We will also give my parents and my husband's parents an ultrasound picture in a frame for them. 

Anyway, I have no idea how I will be able to hold this in because I feel like I will spill it on accident at any time! Hopefully being on here will help! Haha. 

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