Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Made DH do entire bedtime routine :)

Last night as I was running LO bath, I told my DH is was his turn to do the whole bath/night time routine.  He looked at me like I had grown a third head. LMAO! I leveled a serious look at him and told him I was going back to work next week and I am on call the first weekend I'm back. I said "What are you going to do when Ryan is screaming for a bath and I'm not home until 9pm or later?" 

He gets this look that could only be panic and says we'll make it fine. Nope, sorry, you're doing this, and I hand off LO and leave the bathroom.  DH always says he is afraid he'll drop LO in the bath or loose hold because he's slippery.  I stayed close & offered advice when I saw him struggling with the bath.  I'm glad to say it went well, DH & LO survived from bath to bottle and swaddle. :) 

I'm not looking forward to rejoining the workforce but at least I know they can get through an evening alone. LOL! DH has not been home alone with LO more than an hour at a time since birth.

image. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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