Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Adviced needed - on nightime sleep

Ok - first time mom here to a one month old baby girl needing some advice. I am also a BFing mama.

I put my baby down around 10pm for bedtime, and she will sleep till 230AM....but at that point she is WIDE awake from 230-4AM. She is co-sleeping in our room right now, and when she wakes in the night I take her to her room (which is maybe 5 steps away) change her, feed her, reswaddle her, and try to put her back down...but lately she is WIDE awake and nothing will settle her. I've tried the 5's, I've tried putting her in her crib with some lullaby's to put herself to sleep....I don't know. I also am not drinking caffeine and really watch what I am eating. But this morning I got to thinking, am I stimulating her too much by bringing her to her room, chaning, feeding and reswaddling in the middle of the night? Should I just pick her up from the co-sleeper, feed on the side of my bed, change and put back down?

Any advice???

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