Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Should I switch to soy? Not sure if he is having formula issues.

DS has been bottle feeding for 3 weeks now and I am wondering if should go from enfamil gentlease to soy formula.  DS has been gassy and is having trouble passing gas/pooping.  He also spits up at every feeding and today started projectile spit up...and spitting up non-stop after feeding.  And oddly enough, my MIL put an overnight diaper on him by accident today at 4pm and he had peed through it by 8:30pm....took his temperature and it was 99.3 rectally.  Oh, and his poop is green but I heard that can be normal in FF babides....he has a weird selection of syptoms and I am wondering if it is formula related!!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
TTC #2 since 02/12
Borderline MFI
Clomid + TI= BFP
BFP 12/27/12 ~ EDD 09/09/2013 ~ MC CONFIRMED 1/24/13
Anxiously waiting to TTC again, but TTA for now until RE says okay!
My Ovulation Chart
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