June 2012 Moms

1st U/S and appointment today!

I had my first ultrasound today. It went great, the baby was measuring two days ahead at 8w5d with a heart rate of 164 bpm. I was so relieved everything looked good. I've been so nervous because I had a m/c earlier this year. I had my appointment with my ob right afterwards. The office runs sooooo slow so I was there almost two hours but I really like my doc so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. She said since this is my second baby I will most likely start showing around 14w and that my labor will probably be half the time of the first. With DD my labor was only 6 hours, so if her theory is true I guess I can expect a 3 hour labor! We'll see what happens. She is also going to have me meet with an anesthesiologist in my 3rd trimester because my epidurals did not work properly with DD. I see the doc again in 4 weeks. I feel so much better know things are on the right track!
BFP #1 11/19/08 DD born 07/23/09 ~ BFP #2 3/15/11 Natural MC 3/30/11 - 4/13/11 ~ BFP #3 10/4/11 stick baby stick! BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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