Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DS is in the 90th percentile...should I worry?

DS had his 2-month check-up with vaccinations today. He measured in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. The pediatrician said he was growing great, however, I feel a little bit worried. I hope our feeding is not predisposing him to be overweight. I stopped BF'ing at about 7 weeks (he's just over 9 weeks now) and he has been really putting away the formula-about 32 ounces per day. It seems like a lot, but he stops when he's full, and he's still waking up to eat in the middle of the night. Our doctor said to just keep doing what we're doing.

I am very average height and weight (5'5 and 135 pounds, give or take a bit) but my husband and all the men in his family are really tall, big guys- DH is 6'2 and 250 pounds. Do you think DS is just going to be a big guy? If his height and weight are both in the 90th percentile, it kind of evens out, right?

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