June 2012 Moms

Almost outed

DH & I haven't even announced to our families, much less to our co-workers, and up until today I had thought that my bloat wasn't "too" bad, and I've been wearing sweaters to work to cover it up.  I was standing in my boss's office talking to her, when a woman who I know from seeing her in passing & occasionally saying "hi" to walks by and stops.  I figured she wanted to speak to my boss, so I went to step out.  She stops me and says "I was just looking at that" and gestures to my stomach.  So I asked if she meant my sweater, to which she replies "No, your stomach", I said, "Oh, my bloat"?  and she says "Is that all it is, I thought maybe you were pregnant".  Oh dear, why in the world do people think it's ok to ask?  If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you.  So now I'm going to feel kind of dumb when I finally do announce to my boss after Thanksgiving.  Unless I'm looking more pregnant than I thought I was, in which case I may have to announce sooner.  :(
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