June 2012 Moms

Anyone experience sharp pains either on right or left side?

Slightly freaking out here...

Since sunday night, I starting getting this uncomfotable sharp pain on my right side...I was laying down in bed, and I went quickly to get up and it almost felt like I tore something or twisted something on my inside on the right (crazy I know) because instantly the pain started. Anyway, the pain resided the next morning (MON), and mostly just felt like a persistant twing. Today I woke up and still had the twing, but with the sharp pain coming at random times. I got nervous and called my doctors office and they were able to take me today to see the midwife. She tested my for a UTI (negative) and are sending it out to pathology just to confirm. She felt around and said everything felt normal. She wanted to wait to give me a u/s, my first appointment is next Friday in a week. She told me that it could possibly be a cyst. She didn't seem concerned that it would be ectopic, I've had no bleeding, no fever or chills. She said to keep an eye on it and if the pain got worse to the point where it would keep me up at night, then to go to the ER. Anyway, in the last hour I've been getting the sharp pain again, on and off. Its not excruciating but definitely painful. I'm not rushing off to the ER yet, I dont think its that extreme enough to make that move...but my question is has anyone experienced this, with cysts, or with the ligaments expanding and what not. Just looking to see responses to ease my nerves a bit.

Thanks ladies. 

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