June 2012 Moms

I'm pregnant not FAT!

I feel like a big fat cow walking around at work.  I'm thin so my pooch of a blump/bump is pretty noticeable at least to me.  I feel like everyone is giving me the side-eye and I should just spill it to everyone already...then I realize that most people probably aren't thinking "aw, she's pregnant"...they're probably thinking "omg she has put on some weight!"  as of today I have now gained 3 pounds...and I feel like it looks more like 6!  I'm ready for it to be obvious so I can stop feeling so self-conscious.
Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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