June 2012 Moms

I'm kinda new at this...

Hi ladies! After 2 weeks of waiting for my referral to come through from my primary care physician, I finally have my OBGYN appt. on the calendar for next Monday morning.

My husband was planning on coming with me -- however, he just called to tell me that he has to work during my appt. I'm going to try to reschedule so that he can be there, but assuming that I have to keep this time slot -- can any of you tell me a little bit about what to expect during this first appt.? I think he's most concerned with missing an u/s, which I assumed I would get on Monday in addition to blood work, etc., but after reading these boards it sounds like some of you had a separate u/s scheduled at a later date, so I'm wondering if it's going to be such a big deal if he misses this?

I'll be 8 weeks at the time of my appointment -- thanks for any light you can shed for a first time mom who seriously knows nothing! Embarrassed

Sassy but polite. BabyFetus Ticker
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