Babies: 0 - 3 Months

**gwendarling, LBD, Julieb00lie**

Morning check-in time! How was your night? Morning nap?

We had a pretty bad night. DS (almost 3) was up 5 times. DD was sleeping when I wanted to go to bed, so I brought her to bed with me then DH did the midnight feeding. We kept her in bed with us b/c DS was such a terror that we didn't want to deal with multiple wakings from DD. Bad, I know. 

She woke with poop/gas at 6:45am (had woken up a few times before that and I nursed her lying down). Started trying to soothe to sleep at 7:30 and she was already overtired and hard to get to sleep.

Here are my issues/questions: Whenyou soothe to sleep, does your LO fight you and cry? Assuming that means overtired? If you use the swing, do you swaddle? And when do you put LO in? I tried tired, awake etc...she always ends up fussing then crying. She's fine when I pick her up.

Lastly, when you get LO to sleep, do you put him/her down every time or hold if you want a longer nap? And WHY is it that they will sleep for hours in your arms, but minutes in the crib/Rnp/Swing, etc?!

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