Babies: 0 - 3 Months

BFing advice, lopsided!

Breastfeeding is going great, baby latches on and feeds fabulously! Problem is, I cannot get my right side to catch up to my left side!! She's not particularly partial, will feed on both sides, but is never satisfied enough on the right side because I'm not producing enough there. I have tried everything the doctors, lactation consultants, etc have recommended: fed only on the right side, pumped in between feedings on the right side, drank extra fluids ... nothing seems to work. If I pump I still get 5 oz on my left side and 2 (maybe 3) oz on my right side. And my boobs are proportionally (5:2) uneven, it's becoming a joke with my husband and I because I'm so visibly lopsided! What can I do? Anyone else have this problem? Any other advice?
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