June 2012 Moms

Anyone up for a christmas ornament exchange?

Okay ladies...I'm not sure if this has been brought up or not, so I'm sorry if it already has. I'm organizing an Ornament Exchange with another group of ladies from around the US thru Elfter and I thought it would be fun for us June ladies to do one as well!  We would set certain guidelines like price limit, and last day to get them in the mail. I'm thinking $10 maximum and have it in the mail to your Elfster Buddy no later than December 5th. It is totally an anonymous thing, so you don't know who your Elfster Buddy is. :) Elfter is a great site to do big exchanges like this whether it's for a family function, etc. You can ask, anonymously, what your Eflster's favorite color is, what theme they like, etc. If you're interested in participating, please reply to this post with your email address. I will send out Elfster Invites this week. The last day to accept or deny the invite will be November 10th and Elfter will automatically draw names and email you who your Elfster Buddy is. When signing up thru Elfster, please be sure to update your mailing info so the person who is paired up with you knows where to send the ornament. Anyone game?
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