June 2012 Moms

acne question

I have had acne since I was a teenager, and was on accutane when I was 19.  Other than accutane, the only thing that seems to help my acne is birth control pills, and benzoyl peroxide.  Obviously, those 2 are out now.  I am 7 weeks now, and at my first OB appt (at approx 5.5 weeks), my doctor told me that benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid were not allowed, and that the only thing I could try is dabbing tea tree oil on my pimples.  I see on here that a lot of people are using these products...Do you guys think that my doctor is just very conservative?  I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize the baby, but aside from puking all the time, my acne is the worst part of this so far.  It's so embarrassing and gross, and since I've put on a few pounds and don't look pregnant yet, I'm having enough issues with the way I look already. Any advice/suggestions?   Thank you!


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