June 2012 Moms

when to tell work...sick coworker

DH and I haven't told work yet that we are expecting and it has become more and more difficult to hide it over these last almost 4 weeks now. Co workers will come in my office when I'm noticably not feeling well and then an hour later I will be fine. I'd actually be surprised if they aren't catching on by now. DH and I work together and he is closer to all of our co workers (they are all guys..yes I'm only one of 2 girls) So I'm letting him tell them in whichever way he chooses to. Today I came into work and one of the guys that I work the closest with on a daily basis is sick as a dog! I told him that he needs to go home right now and he was like "I have way too much work to do there's no way I'm going to get out of here" I told him that I would help him as much as I could but I know him and he is not going to leave. He keeps coming into my office and I want to scream "Get out of here I'm pregnant and I can not get sick!" hahaha. DH is not going to be in the office until late this afternoon so I hope he just goes ahead and tells them but seriously I'm going to be so pissed if this guy gets me sick. Am I more prone to getting sick now that I'm PG or the opposite b/c of the prenatals?

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