Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Your L/O Feeding Schedule?

My L?O will be 1 mnth this Fri. and we have been trying to follow babywhisperer 3 hr easy rotuine..feeding every 3 hrs and trying the cluster feeding and dreamfeed..I was curious to see what your days are like and if you little one sleeps through the night when is your last feed? My little one wakes at 7 we feed every 3 hrs...then fed at 6 and 8 pm then again at 10 pm but he seems to not take much formula and wakes up earlier then his time. Im wondering if I should cut out the cluster feed at 6&8 and just feed him at his normal time of 7pm then do a dreamfeed at 10pm...Open to your suggestions on what works for you...Also do you think the bath should be before the 7 feed or after?
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