Babies: 0 - 3 Months

At 8 weeks, how does your baby sleep at night?

Our baby is 8 weeks old.  For the last three weeks this is his night time sleep schedule....

Bath- Between 7-8

Bottle (formula) 8ish

Bed by 8:30ish

Sleeps for 4 1/2 hours until 12:30 or 1:00 am (sometimes 1:30)

We have to use a pacifier one time at 12:30am to get him to sleep for another hour til 1am or so.

Then, at 1:30 am or so we give him his bottle, rock him

Back to sleep by 2am

Up again around 5:45am


Back to sleep from 6:30am til 7:30am or 8am

Sound normal?

Naps are getting a little better too, but I really have to get him down before he gets overtired.

Just wondering if this is a normal pattern for an 8 week old, and when they stop dropping the middle of the night feeding?  Also, we have never done the "dream Feed."  Should we start, in order to get him through the night without waking for the 2am bottle?

Thanks for any input.



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