June 2012 Moms

Ultrasound Photo Frame

Hey girls,

I'm looking forward to my first appointment... with a lil bit of dread... I always thought that I would feel worse then what I am when I pictured myself being pregnant.  I know that maybe i'm just a lucky one or maybe next week the m/s will hit... anyway...

I wanted to get a frame for the ultrasound photo no matter what the u/s shows ... it would be a nice keepsake....

Have any of you found one that was too cute and where did you find it?

TTC #1: Since 9/20/2011 BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012 1st U/S: 11/11/11 HB 170bpm BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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