Upstate NY Babies

CIO- night 1 (kinda long)

We let J cry it out when he was about Nat's age. He was consistently sleeping through the night, he just had trouble falling asleep initially, without being rocked. He cried for 20 mins then dozed off after 1 night and then has been a perfect sleeper since.

We decided to give it a whirl with Miss Natalie last night. A typical night- she'll be up 3 or 4x. If I give her a paci or a bottle she'll right back to sleep... for like an hour. We put her to bed as usual at 7 but we also set up a pack and play in the living room. She fussed for a few mins at around 9, but fell back to sleep so we went to bed at 11. Sure enough she was up crying at 12:30am. I  scooped her up- put her in the p&p with her paci. She was up again at 2:09am and started her normal screaming, screeching cry. The doors to the bedrooms were closed so I just let her CIO... for FIFTY MINUTES- the living room is close to our bedroom so we were up the whole time. At 3 I gave her the paci and she was out til 5:30, then "up for the day"... feet in the air, laughing, babbling. By 7am she was crabby rubbing her eyes and is down for a nap.

I know the 1st night is the worst but omg my patience for this little girl is wearing paper thin. Anyone have any CIO advice?

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