Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Would you accept help? Is it selfish?

I definitely have been struggling a bit since the birth of DD six weeks ago. It is just so hard to keep up with my extremely active 3 1/2 year old, husband's busy work schedule, new baby, etc. I have been so fortunate that I have people volunteering to help me though, but I HATE HATE HATE the thought of accepting that ok, I need some help here. I have a good friend offering to come over once in a while so I can nap, my dad doing the same, and the most generous is my neighbor and mom of one of my regular baby-sitters, she wants to set up a regular schedule of her coming over once or twice a week so I can possibly take a nap, but also get to the gym one morning and leave DD with her. She refuses to take any type of payment. Would you accept these offers of help? With DS I had some PPD issues and I think a big part of it was I felt like I had to be supermom and do it all. What would you do to make it up to these people who are offering to help, especially my neighbor who will basically be baby-sitting for me.

Also, do you think it is selfish of me to say ok, I will take you up on these offers so that I can take a nap, or go to the gym or something? Truthfully I feel like I am going to lose my mind this winter with two kids and getting to the gym will be a bit of a reprieve for sure. I also think I want to start using my regular baby-sitter more just to get out, but then I feel like again, maybe it is selfish and I should totally put my kids needs first and foremost.

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