Canada Babies

Hey, how's the weather?

It's snowing here!!  The Sunny Okanagan is getting it's first flurry today, and it looks like it's going to stick around, too.  This is the earliest I remember it snowing here since I was a kid!  Hubby and the puppy are excited about it, but I'm not!  It means muddy paws tracked through my house every day now, since our yard isn't quite finished.  And a few furniture projects will have to wait until spring now.  Although, it does mean that I can pull out the soup pot and stock up on freezable containers and make enough soups to get us through Christmas and the rest of the winter!  And I can start my Christmas baking soon, too!

Speaking of muddy paws, they're on my couch!  Gah!!!

How's the weather for the rest of the country?  I've heard of snow in Alberta and out east...  Hope everyone is warm and comfy!

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