Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cereal for 6 week old baby?

DS has silent reflux and was put on Zantac a couple weeks ago. It seemed to help initially but he started getting really fussy and exhibiting the same symptoms a few days ago. I took him to the doctor today and was told to increase the dosage (we're trying Zantac three times a day now instead of twice).

The doctor said that if this doesn't work we might try cereal. I thought there were other options to explore first - other meds, etc. I just don't like the idea of giving LO cereal when he's still so little.

Honestly I don't love our pediatrician and have been looking for a new one, but none of them seem to accept our insurance (state funded insurance program). Ugh.

Anyway, any thoughts/experiences? I'm just not sure about this...

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