June 2012 Moms

so upset- don't know how to deal

I didn't want to share our news until at least Christmas, not even with moms. I am a private person and think it is OUR news to share until we are both ready. DH just had to tell our moms right away, so I agreed and then we compromised to tell our famililes at Thanksgiving. All this weekend his whole family has been posting on Facebook about our baby, and I've been getting text messages from his friends' wives about the baby. I am devastated. We haven't even been to the doctor yet and don't even know if our baby has a heartbeat. He did all of this behind my back, and won't even check on me when I'm bawling because I'm so upset- instead he called me names like "selfish ****". I don't know how to deal with this and need to vent.
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