June 2012 Moms


As I am a new mom I have been doing a lot of reading to try and not feel as overwhelmed as I currently am.  One thing I was really worried about is breastfeeding. I have no clue and how am I supposed to learn right away when people are going to see the lo right away. I ended up ordering the le leche league breastfeeding book. its been pretty good. There is alot of preaching though like you should be a stay at home mom or you aren't doing whats best for baby.. so that kinda sucks.

BUT I did read something interesting htat has relaxed me a little.

It said that a baby born full-term has enough "food" in them to last 24-36 hours before feeding is neccessary in order to give the new mama and baby time to get a handle on breastfeeding.

This made me feel sooooo much better. i was worried if i wouldn't get it right away and starve the baby and it would be hard with people wanting to come and see the baby.

it made me feel slightly less pressured so hopefully it can do the same for someone else.

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