June 2012 Moms

Still not sure

I guess I found out we were expecting last week. I thought my period had started last wed. but it only lasted a day - so i googled "one day period" and came up with implantation bleeding as a leading culprit. So I waited a few days to see if it would start up again - and nothing - so last sunday I took a test and the results were positive. I took another test the next morning - same results. So i made a dr.'s appt. for that afternoon and I took a test there to confirm pregnancy - and the results were negative.

So off to google again - and that is when i found out about chemical pregnancies - and that is what i assumed gave me a false positive - until i took a test the next morning per the doctor's advice using morning pee - and the test came out positive.  

I have had breast soreness - and felt a little dizzy - but other than that - i have no other "symptoms." I dont have a doctor's appointment until this saturday - so - at this point i am assuming i am pregnant based on the home tests only and i've been assured by my doctor that i am indeed pregnant if those tests are coming back positive. But that one test that was negative has really shaken me up and i'm not throwing up or anything of the sort.

Guess i'm just learning what it even means to be pregnant as i'm a first time mother - and i suppose i just need a bit of assurance that i'm doing all i can at this point and that what i am going through is pretty standard!  According to my last period - i guess i'm supposed to be 8 weeks today and due in june - but i guess i wont know much until saturday when i get an actual confirmation of pregnancy from something other than a stick that i peed on. 

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