June 2012 Moms

Need to get it together enough to do Thanksgiving

Wow! T-day is quickly approaching us! I have kind of been dreading it because being in the kitchen makes me want to puke in itself. I'm trying to come up with a system to make it easier for myself this year.

It's my first Thanksgiving with my DH and his dad will be joining us. Actually we'll be having the dinner on the Sunday after. (He works on T-day night and my kids will be with their dad.)

 I think aside from the turkey, (which I may let DH handle this year) I'm going to make a list of side dishes and have the specific recipes avail. even though normally it's in my head. I feel a little sick and helpless this year. After cooking for many years and being domesticated, I'm just not feeling as motivated. I just want to feel better! I want it to go smoothly and have a clutter free house by then too but I'm not a perfectionist so that's kind of good lol!


Ok thank you for letting me rant/vent a lil. I've never

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