Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Need some advice: NBR at all

Ok, so here is the story.  In February I was let go from my position as a receptionist in a dental office.  He (the dentist) told me that it just wasn't working out in the position I was currently holding.  I don't think I was quite as bubbly as he wanted.  Anyway, he told me that he wished there was another position open in the practice that he could move me to because he like me and I was a hardworker, but there weren't any positions open at that time.  He also gave me a great letter of recommendation and told me that if anyone ever called him for a reference he would have nothing but good things to say about me.  

So since this happened I haven't been able to find another job.  Last week I was looking on monster and saw that he has a dental assistant job available.  Should I send a letter to him asking if I could be considered for the position?  I already wrote one but I can't decide whether to send it or not.  I need some advice please!!  It is really getting hard to make it by on my unemployment and there aren't many jobs available these days.  I would hate to let this opportunity pass me by.   

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