June 2012 Moms

okay so i thought my hubby was fine when it came to food choices....


Okay so this morning i'm fuming. I come down stairs first thing in the morning, because i've been eating right when i get up so i don't throw up (i find it seems to be working doing it this way). I come downstairs and comment to my husband, "oh there's no coffee" he says, "we don't have any, and you shouldn't be drinking it anyway (or something to that effect)." I look at him and say "well thanks for thinking of me but its one cup, i've cut down from three." He looks at me square in the face before i've even eaten and goes "its not about YOU" I just looked at him, said nothing, and then said how he needed to read the pregnancy tracker app i put on his phone for what it says today "he's like which part" I'm like all of it (it was about mood swings and just overall what you feel like at this stage in the game). Then he proceeds to tell me, i'm sorry for being so insensitive when you are super sensitive. I was like whatever.

 I'm still irked. he himself drinks anywhere from three to five cups or more depending on the day of regular coffee. Further more, its ONE f*cking (sorry) cup of coffee. Its not like i'm starting my morning with mountain dew and a cigarette. Furthermore, there are women who have spent pregnancies drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and making poor choices left and right. If you aren't going to switch over and bear the burden with me or not make a full pot for everyone then shut the hell up and leave me alone.

 Sorry the hormones are on overdrive and i'm pissed off. I am however enjoying a delightful cup of coffee from the cafeteria at work. Not to be caddy but if i have nine months to be ridiculous, i am not above going to that place if he's going to nag me about something he knows nothing about.

 This is great, 8 week visit together tonight and all i want to do is scream at him. Hope the day gets better. Thanks for the vent.



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