Upstate NY Babies

Today is going to be a LONG day!

Uhg!  It is 7:30 and I am totally exhausted emotionally.  Poor Ty has been complaining all weekend of a headache and has been completely unbalanced, he has also thrown up a couple times.  I think it is mostly stress related.  Both kids have been up 5-6 times each the last 2 nights.  This morning B was up for the day at 5am and Ty 5:30.  Ty has been freaking out all morning because his internal clock said it was time to be up at 5:30 but his alarm clock said differently.  He screamed, cried, kicked, hit, total tantrum for 45 minutes until I got him to calm down in his swing with my iPod.  That lasted for all of 5 minutes before he started vomiting in his swing :-(  Once he calmed down again, he asked if it was a school day or stay home day, I told him stay home.  Then DH left for work, the third major tantrum of the morning started because I said it was a stay home day but DH was leaving for work.  Uhg!  Of course B has been screaming and having her own melt downs, and can't leave Ty alone.  I tried to put B in her chair with her favorite show so I could deal with Ty only to find that they removed Little Bear from OnDemand!  Uhg!  It has been nothing but mass chaos here all weekend.

Yesterday DH was trying to clean out the gutters and pressure wash the outdoor toys to put them away for winter.  The noise of spraying water was stressing Ty out so bad he was curled up in a ball on the floor covering his ears crying for it to stop, and he just wanted his Daddy to come in. This was stressing out B so she wouldn't leave Ty alone and kept hitting, kicking and screaming at him.  She has bite marks and bruises on her arms from her own tantrums, Yes she bites herself and head butts during tantrums :-(  DH never stops anything until he finishes it, so despite my efforts to get him to stop and come inside, he kept working.  It took 3 hours.  I lost my cool right before he finally came in.  It wasn't good :-(

Then, of course, I gave him a huge attitude after we got the kids in bed for not stopping and coming in while the kids were losing it for three hours.  His response was basically that he was working and doing things that needed to be done, when else was he going to do all the work.  There really is no argument to it.  There just are not enough hours in the day.

So, now I am debating on sending Ty to school.  He has had a headache for three days, some vomiting when he gets super upset.  He rarely vomits.  I know I should keep him home since he threw up in his swing this morning.  But we are all so stressed and today is Monday, he has one-on-one time with his psychologist at school first thing.  They do a lot of yoga and general de-stressing.  Plus we all need a break from each other and Bri has her evaluation for EI at 2pm.  I should probably cancel.  I finally have the kids each doing their own thing for a few minutes, I should close my eyes and relax since this is short lived, but when I close my eyes everything starts spinning :-(

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