June 2012 Moms

MS vent

I just need to vent for a moment.  I feel like I am spending my days trying not to get too hungry or too full that I feel sick. I'm also so tired!  I just can't get myself going.  I haven't vomited much at all and some days I have very little MS so I know many of you ladies are dealing with much worse.  I don't know how you do it!

I'm going back to work tomorrow after being gone for 2 weeks, first on a business trip to Korea and then with my husband on his business trip to Santa Barbara.  My MS symptoms really started while I was in Korea so I've really only dealt with being at the office for one day since MS started.  Work is going to be crazy this week and I know I'll have a ton of issues to deal with when I return.  I'm coming back to a big meeting tomorrow with my boss and her boss at 11 AM and still have lots of prep to do.  I really need to get up early tomorrow and get in to the office and I'm really hoping my body will cooperate.  I ate too much for dinner and now I'm not feeling great so its not looking particularly good. 

At least I only have to work a half day because I have my first Doctor's appointment tomorrow! Here's hoping I make it through the week! After being out for two weeks and taking off for a doctor's appointment on Monday, I really need to pull my weight this week.

Thanks in advance for tolerating my rant.  Its tough that there is noone except DH to confide in until we start telling family and friends.

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