June 2012 Moms

Was your due date wrong?

Last Thursday, we went to our first ultrasound, I was so excited! Once we finally we finally saw the tech, she asked me how far along, I told her 8 weeks, she said my chart said 9, I told her the doc must have made a mistake.  Well, once she found the baby, she said it was measuring 6 w 3 d and the heart rate was 92. I wasnt too worried, just figured my due date was a little off, which kind of made more sense bc I ovulate later than most. Then we went in to talk with the doc and he said there was a 50/50 chance for this pregnancy bc of the size of the baby. I totally freaked! The more we talked, he was leaning more towards wrong due date, but I won't know till this Thursday when I go for another u/s. the baby has to double in size. Has this happened to anyone? Trying to be as positive as can be, but it's tough! Heres to hoping the week flies by!
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