June 2012 Moms

**updated with awful MIL comment** Big Reveal Weekend! (long!)

So last night we told my dad and SM at dinner. They were completely shocked and so excited. We told them by giving them a pack of wedding photos and slipped an u/s pic in about 6 pictures deep. They of course stared at each photo for so long and when they got to the u/s, they both looked at us and asked what it meant (with a huge smile on their faces!) and we said "surprise!". Hugs and kisses all around. Then we gave them a cute frame that said "Now Showing!" with an u/s pic in it.

Today, we told my mom at breakfast. It was impossible getting her to meet us so I basically had to tell her we wanted to talk to her about something important. Here, she thought we were going to tell her we were moving out of state! We gave her an identical pack of photos and slipped in the u/s pic. She was so excited, and of course relieved we are not moving away. She had a million questions and loved that the due date is my bday. She was shocked I was able to keep it from her for so long, though we have been trying to meet her for over 2 weeks now! She loved how we told her and can't wait for us to tell my brothers/SILs/etc so that it doesn't need to remain a secret. She called me while she was driving home about being so excited to help me register and how she already has stuff at her house from older grandkids, etc. I loved her reaction....

Tonight, we are telling the inlaws. MIL will be ecastic and bug the crap out of me b/c she is annoying and an AW and will probably tell the whole restaurant. She is the one I am most concerned about spilling the beans, but I will threaten the crap out of her and if she does slip, then she doesn't get to hear anything else ahead of time and will negatively impact our relationship. I know she will refer to the baby as "her baby" will already is making my blood boil. Needless to say, I am super happy we were able to tell my side first. I am mean....I know it!

Overall, a very exciting weekend! Thanks for reading my LONG post.


ETA: So we just got back from telling MH's parents. She of course was the AW I knew she would be. After she discovered the u/s pic in the wedding photos, she jumped up and yelled how excited she was (in a packed restaurant) and then proceeded to tell everything that I was pregnant (like anyone cared). Then started talking to the table behind me about how excited she was, then told the waitress when she walked up.

And the best part....get ready for it....loudly said "Thank you for having sex with my son!". Seriously Ick!

MH had to tell her to sit down and shut up. She asked if she embarassed me and I produly said YES! Obviously we had sex to get pregnant, but its really not the focal point here. The rest of the time she asked about "her baby" and if we were converting "her room" (the guest room) and if she could take the baby to Chick Fil A...i dont get her at all.... She promised she would not smoke in her house when I visit though the house reeks as it is. And promised to not smoke the few days before Thanksgiving. Even hugging her made me nauseous - so hate the smell of smoke, now more than ever.

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