Single Parents

Dad wants full custody... Is this possible?

I posted this elsewhere and realized you ladies might have more information to provide me (please see the end of this post)

So I had my first U/S yesterday and the baby is 8 weeks along with a strong heartbeat of 170 bpm! :) It was so reassuring! I cried when they pointed out its forming brain and when I saw the beating of its little heart. They even showed us the little forming arm stumps and legs.

The baby's daddy was with me and supportive throughout the appointment even though the night before he had called me up to say that I couldn't have this baby and that it wasn't happening. After the appointment he once again became so hostile towards me to the point where the things he said made me leave him to go outside. Between the nausea and crying I began to have trouble breathing. I don't remember much except the trouble breathing... 1 hour later I was in the emergency room and woke up to find out that the nausea and sob brought about my first ever panic attack. I've never suffered from them before. 

He was again supportive and reassuring throughout the process, even refusing an xray due to the pregnancy. A few hours later, I was discharged and he once again changed to hostile. He's extremely angry that I found out about the other two women in his life besides me and that I went to them to discover his lies. Rather than taking responsibility for the pain he's caused everyone he now blames me and tells me that I've caused all of this. I am no longer with him given this information (I love myself enough to know I deserve better than this man) but I was hoping we could amicably work through the pregnancy.

Last night he was adamant about me going to planned parenthood today to "get this over with" and this morning (I did not feel safe being with him alone & I'm no longer with him so I left his place after he became furious)  he waited for me at my apartment claiming he was sorry and wanted to make sure I was ok. Thankfully I was not there to see him. Then he messaged me telling me I was not keeping it and that he wanted an abortion...that there was no option. I told him I couldn't do that and live with myself. He then threatened me and said if i kept it he would raise it alone and to not message him further. The situation has gotten horrendous. I have never had such a person in my life who creates so much harm. I'm surrounded by great people, wonderful friends and an adoring family. Part of me wonders what I did to deserve such a horrible person! Sadly, he'll be in my life forever but its only the beginning and its been quite a rollercoaster.

Can some of you ladies give me information on what I should expect? We are both professionals in the same field. I do well for myself... However, he does make almost triple what I make. That is perhaps the only thing he has against me. I know I could never provide the child what he could financially. Of course he does have the anxiety attack against me that happened after the horrible things he's said (during which I was 8 weeks pregnant and sick). Otherwise I've only been hospitalized for surgery.  He has no friends (and those few --maybe 3--- aren't sure who he is after they discovered all of the things he's done), and he personally tried to excuse his actions by stating childhood trauma and that it has led him to not let anyone get close to him. This man can NEVER raise a child on his own and is emotionally unstable. I would fight tooth and nail to prevent this. I gave him the option to do this all amicably (why make it dirty and ugly?).  I may not be incredibly wealthy but I do have three college degrees, one wonderful job, great friends and an adoring and supportive family. Can he really take the child away from me?

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